Levitec ecosystem

Sustainability and esg criteria at Levitec

At Levitec, we promote sustainability from all perspectives of the company by planning the Levitec Strategy towards achieving the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with all stakeholders.

Since 2021, our internal ESG management system has been strengthened, directing Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria with the commitment to continue adding value to global growth and business vision focused on sustainability and human value.

The Sustainability Model at Levitec is based on four levels of contribution to the SDGs, in the development of our employees, the activity of our business, our contribution to society, and respect for the environment.

In this integrative and transparent process, the company’s involvement is reflected in numerous actions throughout the year to meet the needs of the described SDGs.

During 2022, LEVITEC was invited to three events, by CEOE – IBERCAJA, PLENA INCLUSIÓN, and APD – AON – CAJA RURAL, as a leading company in Aragon in this matter, to explain our good practices to other companies.

1. End of Poverty

Levitec collaborates with initiatives and associations committed to providing solidarity aid to the people of Ukraine in collaboration with the Red Cross and the City Council of Alcalá de Gurrea (Huesca), by setting up a residence, hosting 35 refugees. Levitec covered all the expenses of setting up the facility, covering the costs of vehicles loaned to the Red Cross, and covering the salaries of the five social workers. Between September and October 2022, we hired 30 Ukrainian employees, refugees in Spain due to the war, providing them with jobs in our photovoltaic parks.

2. Zero Hunger

Our collaboration with the food bank in the city of Huesca is an annual event, where Levitec is the main sponsor of the initiative to contribute to ending poverty and food security in the most disadvantaged families, volunteering on the day of food collection. In addition to this, we have collaborated with the NGO Firefighters Without Borders to ensure the food supply for the most vulnerable, covering social dining rooms and entities in different cities in Spain, as well as distributing food to families who, due to illness, age, or disability, cannot travel to collect them at established points.

3. Health and Well-being

One of Levitec’s top priorities is to ensure the health and well-being of our employees. Since the beginning of the pandemic, a COVID protocol was prepared for construction personnel to ensure their health. With office staff, teleworking was prioritized during pandemic peaks, and to attend individual needs with the goal of safeguarding the health of all workers.

As for well-being, we are currently focused on offering workdays that favor family reconciliation, with “intensive” Fridays, break rooms, or days off that the company offers to coincide with long weekends or weekends.

4. Education and Quality

We believe in the Continuous Improvement of the staff, so Levitec enhances the skills and knowledge of employees with a Training and Development Plan with specific training courses to add value to jobs and language training. In addition to this, there is a Mentoring Program for new hires in the company, regardless of the position they hold.

For several years, the company’s policy has looked into finding synergies with students who are completing their training or have just graduated, both with Universities and Vocational Training Centers. During 2022, 8 students began internships in University Degree programs and 1 in Vocational Training, subsequently joining the company as employees.

5. Gender Equality

We continuously work on promoting employability and gender equality. We adhere to the principle of equity ‘equal responsibility, equal pay’ and offer the same opportunities for internal promotion to all staff. Despite the difficulty of incorporating female profiles in the sector we operate in, we are committed to increasing the number of women in the company, with a steadily growing percentage each year. In 2021, the female workforce increased by 118%, and in 2022 by 41%, achieving a total increase of 209% in two years for this gender. All of the above is documented in our Gender Equality Plan.

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

Our sustainable and responsible use of energy is carried out through the following practices:

Installation of LED lights in all our facilities.

Programming of air conditioning, heating, and lighting on/off cycles in the main headquarters building.

Certification of 100% green energy contributing to environmental protection.

Every year, we obtain the carbon reduction seal.

Management of ordinary waste with separation into different containers according to their nature to facilitate recycling.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

One of our top priorities is to optimize working conditions. In 2021, we were recognized with the Talent and Employment Award in the SME category for being a company that creates stable and quality employment, with the development of Training and Career Plans, promoting internal promotion. In 2022, we were awarded the SME Award in Aragon for being a company in constant economic growth. The Levitec staff enjoys stable and quality employment with permanent contracts, and salaries above the industry average. 90% of university and vocational degree interns become part of our workforce. From another perspective, we promote job creation by developing a chain of contracting companies with labor to support project execution.

9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

As a company focused on diversification, Levitec echoes the growth of the renewable energy market by executing megawatts of photovoltaic solar energy. Currently, we have 500 MW of our own to execute, having already built 100 MW. In the area of self-consumption and energy efficiency, we build photovoltaic installations for customers to generate their own electricity, developing projects of up to 10 MWp both on roofs and on the ground, achieving energy savings and process improvements for our customers. Another area we are promoting through the renewable energy business line is the installation of electric vehicle charging points.

10. Reduced Inequalities

At Levitec, we are aware that employment is the best tool for achieving true social integration, and we want to play our part. We promote inclusive work with people facing difficulties in joining the workforce. We work to support the financing of projects for associations of groups at risk of social exclusion and facilitate the opportunity to work with us. In 2022, several immigrant workers were hired through the NGO Accem, an organization working to improve the quality of life of refugees.

Furthermore, we collaborate with associations that promote the inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion such as the Valentía Huesca association and Plena Inclusión.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

Environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources are important commitments within the company’s strategy with the aim of promoting sustainable cities and communities.

12. Production and Responsible Consumption

Levitec’s commitment to responsible consumption is manifested through the digitalization plan being implemented in the company, where paper usage is significantly decreasing, and through the destruction and recycling of confidential paper. We have installed water diffusers in bathrooms and water fountains in all offices. Since relocating our central offices from an industrial park on the outskirts to the city center, we have promoted employee mobility to leave the car at home, establishing a space in the company for electric scooters parking and encouraging commuting to work by public transport, walking, or biking.

13. Climate Action

At Levitec, our commitment to the environment is primarily reflected in our renewable energy business areas through the creation of solar parks and installations. However, not only  do we calculate and reduce emissions through our activities we also work on offsetting our emissions. In 2021, we were a candidate company for the Climate Community, committed to implementing an action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative involves individuals, companies, organizations, and administrations joining forces with a common goal: to take action against climate change following the guidelines set by the Paris Agreement. In 2022, we obtained this recognition.

15. Life on Land Ecosystems

In the 2022 fiscal year, no ordinary or extraordinary expenses were incurred from environmental actions, except for activities related to investment strategies linked to the SDGs of the 2030 agenda, such as tree planting within the program developed in collaboration with the Zaragoza City Council in “The Forest of Zaragozans,” among others.

16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Since 2022, we have been working on our Compliance Model, which aims to transmit our ethical culture to employees and suppliers. Just as we have the Gender Equality Plan, we also have protocols for harassment and an ethical code for both employees and the company.

17. Partnerships to Achieve Objectives

For Levitec, collaborating with various stakeholders and establishing alliances, in addition to being part of the company’s DNA, is key to making steps towards achieving the company’s objectives. We establish collaboration agreements that generate synergy not only within our sector but also in areas where we have an impact. We continue to apply this principle, with collaborations including academic institutions with various universities and vocational training centers. We promote sports through various sponsorships ranging from grassroots to female and high-performance sports. We also collaborate with NGOs that help with the employment integration of people with disabilities, functional diversity, or migrants.

17. Partnerships to Achieve Objectives

For Levitec, collaborating with various stakeholders and establishing alliances, in addition to being part of the company’s DNA, is key to making steps towards achieving the company’s objectives. We establish collaboration agreements that generate synergy not only within our sector but also in areas where we have an impact. We continue to apply this principle, with collaborations including academic institutions with various universities and vocational training centers. We promote sports through various sponsorships ranging from grassroots to female and high-performance sports. We also collaborate with NGOs that help with the employment integration of people with disabilities, functional diversity, or migrants.


Nos comprometemos a ser sostenibles

Con el medioambiente, con nuestros trabajadores y nuestros clientes.

La trayectoria y la evolución de Levitec, nos ha llevado a replantearnos la visión empresarial. El planeta necesita de procesos comprometidos con el medioambiente y la sociedad. 

Es el momento que nuestra identidad refleje este nuevo Levitec enfocado en la diversificación, el crecimiento, la sostenibilidad y la mejora continua. Transformamos nuestra identidad, partiendo de nuestros orígenes para proyectarnos al futuro.

Durante 2020, planificamos la estrategia de Levitec hacia la consecución de la Agenda 2030 y los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo sostenible, mediante diferentes y múltiples acciones de colaboración con empleados, empresas y sociedad. Fin de la Pobreza (ODS 1); Hambre Cero (ODS 2); Igualdad de Género (ODS 5); Energía Asequible y No Contaminante (ODS 7); Trabajo Decente y Crecimiento Económico (OSD 8); Industria, Innovación e Infraestructura (ODS 9); Reducción de las Desigualdades (ODS 10); Producción y Consumo Responsable (ODS 12); Acción por el Clima (ODS 13); Alianzas (ODS 17).

El primer paso fue el cambio de nuestro logotipo tradicionalmente rojo por el color verde, la nueva identidad intenta transmitir la sostenibilidad bajo una marca sólida que proyecte confianza, pero a su vez flexible para estar completamente adaptada a la era digital y a la diversificación de los sectores en los que actúa. Nuestra nueva identidad busca dar una imagen que combina dinamismo y versatilidad variables que están inmersos en nuestra filosofía de empresa desde su nacimiento en 2002.
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